So many characters to kill, so little time.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Screening Gropus Announced!

The 48 Hour Film Project has announced the order of shorts to be screened for their Houston competition!

Renegade Amelia Films has been assigned to Screening Group B - Wednesday June 10th starting at 7:30 pm and Thursday June 1th starting at 9:30 pm. There are three other groups, and the screenings are staggered in such a way that you would have to go both nights to see every film. The screenings will be held at the Studio Movie Grill - City Centre, which I understand serves entrees, snacks, and premium beer - much like the revered Alamo Drafhouse in Austin. In short, if you have to make a long drive to get there, at least you can have dinner and a movie - er, selection of shorts - at the same place and time.

You can already purchase tickets online via PayPal at $8.50. (They're ten bucks at the door, and have been known to sell out during previous years.) Click here for a complete list of screening groups and ticket information.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Only 7 more days...

Only seven more days to go, and we're busy figuring out last minute logistics for shooting next weekend! We're all excited and hope you are too. Our casting director has been busy and ensured that we won't have the problem we had last year.

In short - not enough actors equals the director in a dress.

Anyway, I'm proud to say we have the same talented cast and crew, but also a few extra artists to help us this year. It should be a great experience - whatever film we end up making!

I'd like to remind you to please mark your calendars for the evenings of June 10 & 11, when our finished film will be screened with a selection of other shorts crafted by Houston filmmakers. We need your support during the 48 Hour Film Project screening at Studio Movie Grill - 805 Town and Country Lane 77024.

Wish us luck, and spread the word! Join renegadeamelia on Twitter for updates during filming next weekend!

P.S. If you find it in your heart to help us with some food during the shoot, you can kick in a few bucks to our cause by using one of the TipJoy modules just to the right of this text. You may contriute via e-mail or Twitter. If you use the Twitter module, it'll tweet that you made a contribution and encourage your followers to do the same... Thank you for your support!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pre-Production Update

Pre-production is arguably the most important part of a film. So many creative decisions are made, and a film can be made or broken based on the arsenal of resources lined up before you start shooting.

The 48 Hour Film Project essentially removes that process.

In this scenario, you really don't know what you're shooting before you start. You literally draw a genre out of a hat. Armed with this and other required elements (a line of dialogue, a prop, and a character), the cast and crew go forth with the art of filmmaking. Everyone involved has to think on their feet and use everything they can draw from in one heart-wrenching, pressure-cooked, and ultimately rewarding weekend. Mistakes will be made, and often that's where the best ideas come from.

Still, it's great to learn from your mistakes. In this effort, we recently held our production meeting. While we couldn't make many creative decisions (everything must be spontaneous during the contest's production weekend), we were able to talk about things we could do better this year. We're looking forward to a few new members of the production team we needed last year, notably a great director of photography. Also, we think that we have a really exciting location to use. Most of all, having gone through this once before, we feel we'll be prepared to work together more efficiently.

Please mark your calendars for Wednesday June 10 and Thursday June 11. The screening will be at: Studio Movie Grill - 805 Town and Country Lane 77024.

Films in the contest will be split into four groups, with start times ranging from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Details on which group we're assigned to will be announced later. We hope you'll join us at the screening because you will have the opportunity to vote for Houston's Audience Favorite!

We expect great things this year. Wish us luck, and be sure to see us and other Houston filmmakers on the big screen!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Free Screening

The Houston Film Commission holds a mixer every first Thursday of the month. May's mixer focuses on the 48 Hour Film Project. Renegade Amelia's The Ballad of Frank Gilroy will be screened again with several other selections from last year's contestants. It's an excellent way to get involved with filmmaking and meet new people! Here's some details about where and when, but you can also check out other 48HFP events by visiting their website.

HFC’s First Thursday Mixer
Date: Thursday, May 7th
Time: 8.00p
Place: Dean's Credit Clothing, 316 Main 77002